Design, Development and StartupsDigital Transformation: Learning, Leadership and Legacy
Whether large or small, businesses need to transform digitally to remain...
The real threat and the real challenge of technology ridden world
Tech innovators across the globe are applying their focus, intent, and ability...
The Effective Tech Lead is a 100X Engineer
Every tech guy is on the lookout for the magical 10x aura which comes by...
A Practical Introduction to Blockchain
What if you could replace all the confusion about Blockchain technology and...
The Era Of Algorithmic Marketing
Our world is controlled by algorithms of Amazon which influences what you...
What it takes to build the culture for DevOps
As a leader running a modern organization requires you to develop a culture...
What Makes Mentorship Work
Whether you’re creating a mentorship program for your company, looking for a...
How to Decide the Worthiness of Startup Ideas
The guide is based on we have learned, experimented and experienced while...
When Disruption Is The Only Evolution
If you believe getting innovation inside the organization is too daunting and...
How To Come Up With Tons of Highly Valuable Startup Ideas
Every business starts with an idea. As an entrepreneur, you are going to sow...